Tuesday, 1 March 2011

"Where do I go from here?" Is Gaddafi lost?

After his own citizens have tried repeatedly to charge him out of the country, also permanently damaging his home a few days ago. The troublesome woes of Muammar Gaddafi continue, as his next destination geographically remains a question. 

Despite UN Sanctions imposing a travel ban on the Libyan leader, White House representative Jay Carney has stated that exile could be a choice for Gaddafi, though he has not mentioned if the U.S. is willing to facilitate him. While Hillary Clinton has stated: 

"Gaddafi and those around him must be held accountable for these acts, which violate international legal obligations and common decency," 

Demanding that Gaddafi be brough to justice. 

There are possible countries willing to host Gaddafi as Zimbabwe has been rumored to be a possibility, being a dictatorship run state. Although Gaddafi has said more than once that he will "live and die on Libyan soil".

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